Adjustments and Manipulation

chiropractic adjustment

Chiropractic adjustments are performed in a number of ways to get your spine in alignment for optimal health. At Atlas Natural Medicine in Taylor, TX, Dr. Sean Seivert provides care for all types of pain conditions. If you have knee pain, low back pain, headaches, neck pain, or shoulder pain, it's time to learn more about the benefits of chiropractic adjustments and other therapy. Once your spine is properly aligned, supportive therapies will improve your circulation and support the healing of your muscles, ligaments and soft tissue. If you are looking for an integrative approach to healing, chiropractic care finds the root cause of your issues in order to provide the treatment you need.

Treatment With a Chiropractor in Taylor, TX
A chiropractor will use chiropractic adjustments as one way to get your spine aligned, but other therapies such as hot or cold therapy, soft tissue techniques, bracing/orthotics and nutrition help your body heal. Upper cervical adjustments ease strain on your cervical spine, reducing headaches and neck pain. Myofascial/trigger point release therapy manages areas of tight tissue, allowing blood to flow more readily to the area. Extremity adjustments will help with pain in your hands or feet, getting your large joints to function more readily. Dr. Seivert also uses a dry hydrotherapy massage table to ease muscle tension, and works with you on a nutrition plan if you are looking to improve your health through nutrition.

What Chiropractic Adjustments Help
Chiropractic adjustments ease strain on your body caused when a joint or vertebra is out of alignment. Once the adjustment is made, treatment of the ligaments, muscles, and tendons in the area is necessary in order to reduce inflammation. Over time, your body will get used to keeping your spine properly aligned. Through home exercises, stretching, and soft tissue mobilization, your body will heal from any injuries, functioning more optimally through chiropractic care.

Schedule With a Chiropractor Now

If you are searching for chiropractic adjustments in Taylor, TX, it's time to schedule with Dr. Seivert. Contact Atlas Natural Medicine in Taylor, TX by calling 512-352-1300, and set up your first appointment with our chiropractor. Get the treatment you need to heal from pain, and start living your best life.

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